Acer laptop for repair with DHL who is liable for transport damage and I have to insure the package gillt then for the transport damage?

- in Acer

Acer laptop for repair with DHL who is liable for transport damage and I have to insure the package gillt then for the transport damage?


A package is always insured with DHL up to 500 euro. But you have to prove the value. If you want to insure it higher, then you have to say that, then it will be done, but you also have to pay.

It is your duty that you package the package well, so that it can arrive safely.


A package at dhl is always insured up to 500 EUR. In case of transport damage due to poor packaging that is usually not. So use original box with all polystyrene parts.


My laptop costs more about 1300 euro I can insure it to 2500 and is an insurance only for the loss of the package or for transport damage or is the DHL supplier always liable if it is damaged?


It is insured for lost and damaged during transport, but you should document with your phone the proper packaging, then DHL can't wind out in the event of a case.


If you request a repair label from Acer you will already receive a corresponding parcel label. In case of wrong packaging, however, you are then responsible.


Often transport damage is caused by poor packaging. Of course, the proof is not always clear, but if you pack something correct, then there's also a higher chance that the goods arrive undamaged at the destination.

I once had to send a porcelain vase for a customer. Was ne expensive one-off production so commissioned in 1850, worth actually not to determine. Although the customer cackled over the transport costs of 750 DM (then), the vase arrived unscathed (transport route then Frankfurt am Main -> Berlin). Have me from a carpenter a wooden box for transport carpenters. After that, I wrapped the vase in foil and created a cushion with pimple foil on the bottom of the box. The interior of the vase I filled with wood chips from the carpenter. The vase was padded all around with bubble wrap and last a layer on top where then the lid came with 8 screws (2 per side) was moored. 2 handles on the side, you could use it to transport the vase. A private courier transported the vase in a station wagon. Of course, an accident could have happened there as well, damaging or even destroying the vase, but such transports are specifically secured but also correspondingly high. I still have the wooden box today, use it as a storage box.

If you are not sure you should NOT choose the normal way of transportation. There are plenty of alternatives, it always comes to pass, you are ready to pay for the transport. Besides DHL, there are still Hermes, DPD, UPS and others.


Yes, then you have to insure it extra, and pack it properly.


Thank you