Transfer iPhone pictures to Samsung laptop not working?



I would like to transfer my pictures from iPhone to my laptop but somehow it doesn't work.

I connect my cell phone to my laptop with a cable and then my pictures are also shown, but not all. I have 5300 pictures but only 4500 of them are shown to me.

I just made a backup and reconnected my cell phone and all of a sudden 5500 pictures were displayed, even though I don't have that many pictures. Then I tried to pull the pictures over there and in the middle came the notification on my laptop 'device no longer works' and everything was canceled😫😫😫

does anyone know how i can do it?


Try pulling a part over first, then part over again, etc.

Maybe some device is "overwhelmed" with the pictures.

I use i.a. An iPhone and often transfer the pictures from the iPhone to the laptop.

So far I have not had any major difficulties (however, I have not yet tried to transfer the number of pictures at once)


Hmm I try thanks ☺️