IPhone pictures are not displayed on PC?

- in Lenovo

I wanted to move important videos / pictures from my cell phone (iPhone 6s) to a computer (Lenovo). But I only see 40 pictures of 400 ordered. So far everything has worked! ALWAYS!

I click on Library on Apple IPhone - Internat Storage - DCIM-124APPLE and I wonder what. I was always shown a lot of these 124APPLE only with other numbers. Since all pictures from the iPhone were displayed somehow, but ALL.

how do i fix the error? I'm not a technology genius and I feel that the most important thing I have to master on a laptop.
So far I've paired my cell phone several times with the USB cable and also unplugged and turned on the PC. NOTHING changes.

I've already done all updates (on iPhone)


Look if in the settings - camera - formats - "maximum compatibility" is selected.

Also check whether photos - "Store and keep originals" is selected.


One possibility would be PhotoSync (http://photosync-app.com - free for PC, 3-4 euro for iOS, but the pure photo transfer also works in the free iOS version).
Install and start on iPhone and PC, select a few pictures on iPhone and transfer them over the home Wi-Fi.