Transfer Google account to iphone?


I got an iphone 11 for my birthday and before that I had a samsung, I have my main email address on the samsung cell phone. When I log in to it from my laptop, it is displayed on my samsung cell phone and I'm asked if I'm currently logging in. This is not the case with my iphone i think that the main device of my google account is my samsung mobile phone, how can i make my iphone the main device?


As IchBinSmile already wrote, you switch from one ecosystem to another that are not compatible with each other
You have to create an Apple account and download everything again from the store. If you bought apps from Android, you have to buy them again from the Apple store
You can of course continue to use the email address by simply storing the email address in the iPhone in the mailer
If you have saved or saved photos via googleDrive, then simply install the app on your iPhone and you will have access to them

Can you do this from Apple to move from Android to iOS?