Is that still slander?


I allegedly slandered someone via email, but that's not true. I should have said that the person had Corona and HIV and that they would send around naked photos. I'm supposed to have sent the email to the workplace. But I didn't do any of that. I had nothing to do with her for 1 week when I received a call from a police station that the person had filed a complaint against me because of the allegations. 1 month later, at 8 o'clock, 2 police officers, as well as a public prosecutor and a witness, were standing in front of my door and confiscated cell phones and laptops… I would be forced to give out the pin, but I didn't! I had no chance to defend myself in any way. Of course, I have now filed a complaint against the person…

I was lucky and was able to restore pictures at What's app where she had sent me naked pictures and other things where you can see exactly what kind of a disturbed person she is.

If I submit that to the state, the defamation should have generally been dealt with, right? I'm so mad at this person


When I received a call from a police station that the person had filed charges against me
The (real!) Police would never do that!


But they did or I suppressed my number and they could see my phone number or call me back


One month later, at 8 a.m., 2 police officers, as well as a prosecutor and a witness, were standing at my door


I don't believe you a word!


Why not That's what happened. My number was suppressed and the policeman could still call me back, so he had an interception circuit or something.


Just because you have evidence to justify your complaint against the person does not mean that the complaint will be dropped against you.

If you don't reveal the passwords, the confiscation will only take longer in case of innocence. They'll get the data (LOL, what did you think?).

Maybe switch on the workplace (recipient of the email). They should be able to speak for you.


You do not believe yourself that they call you as a "suspect" so that you are warned and can quickly pack your suitcase to run away!


Then the state would make itself a criminal offense in terms of privacy because there's no longer sufficient suspicion of the crime of libel


Jehovah's Witnesses maybe?


She apparently does that with several otherwise I wouldn't have any of her…



Bystanders as witnesses are not uncommon in house searches.


How should the police know that YOU are on the phone? Correspondence always in writing by mail

1 month later, at 8 o'clock, 2 police officers, as well as a public prosecutor and a witness, were standing in front of my door and confiscated cell phones and laptops… I would be forced to give out the pin, but I didn't! I had no chance to defend myself in any way.

Here you just put on too thick… You wouldn't get that much attention even in a homicide.

Too much TV.


Pist = post


That does not play a role in the charge against you.


I would go to the police and find out if they really visited you if your story is true