Comodo Antivirus Takes Up Too Much Memory?


An important question for the group: Is it normal for Comodo Antivirus to take up approx. 240 GB of memory. This is so much that my storage space is almost completely full (my laptop just doesn't have a lot of storage) and driver updates etc. Can't be installed. There are a lot of updates building up, I'm worried that my laptop will crash because the updates can't be installed. I don't want to do a new installation because Comodo saves many of my files in a "container" and backs them up there, I'm afraid that removing the program will delete the data with it. Besides, I'm still quite young and can do a lot of wrong things anyway, my parents aren't any smarter… Can someone help?

Evidence photos attached

Comodo Antivirus Takes Up Too Much Memory

Comodo store

Comodo Antivirus Takes Up Too Much Memory - 1

Sorry for the bad graphics, just ask questions about the photos


Read through the warning. ---

You probably have all the junk on it.


If you use Windows 10, the integrated Microsoft virus protection is completely sufficient in my opinion. In the long run, however, this does not solve your storage problem. As a first step, I would still remove your virus protection program and clean up your computer. To clean it up, right-click your c: drive in Explorer and select "Properties" and then the "General" tab in the new window. Click on the "Clean up" button and then on "ok".

The antivirus program is uninstalled using the "Add or Remove Programs" function.


Sounds trustworthy when an antivirus program reloads bloatware without permission…


Operating systems that do not require virus scanners save a lot of computing power. It's very uncomfortable that users (who don't know any better) are being forced to accept Windows as the OS, even though Linux is better equipped, not spied on, and easier to use.


Sure, Linux is great. But firstly, Linux is not the topic and secondly, unfortunately, it is not ideal for everyone. For me as a gamer Linux is only a hindrance, which is why Mint only runs in the VM for me.


Demand from Microsoft (after all, you are a paying customer) that they finally make their operating system virus-proof.


Try them. Windows Defender is pretty good. Although personally I would find a better and more easily accessible application whitelist really good.