How do I get my old screen resolution back on my 2nd monitor?


I recently wanted to play on my laptop again on my television, so I connected the laptop and noticed that the resolution was too low, but I couldn't set it higher via Windows and then went into the Nvidia system control and entered the resolution of my television there and then I take over, unfortunately my laptop then smears (it doesn't go off, only you couldn't do anything more) and every time I connect the HDMI cable the same thing happens. Safe mode does not work with a 2nd monitor. Can I somehow reverse this setting? My laptop only shows me the 2nd monitor when it's connected, but when I connect it it smears and I can't do anything anymore? I've been trying to find something for hours now but I'm at the end of my game. Can you help me?


Hm, in case of doubt, uninstall the driver and put it on again. That would be the last way out.

My recommendation next time. TVs usually have a "SCAN" function. Means they just take the signal that comes in and don't try to push it into a format. If all the ICONS are too big for you, there's a function in Windows to scale everything up. That works really well. Is belief somewhere in the resolution settings under windwos.


Then uninstall the graphics drivers and reinstall again?




Yup, it saves the settings you made.


Ka if that brings a lot in your case, but I was able to make image errors or Hdmi errors disappear mega often through the combination ^^ can just try:

"Press the" Windows "key on your keyboard and the" P "key at the same time. A menu appears in which the options" PC screen only "," Duplicate "," Expand "and" Second only "are displayed. "


Not necessarily…


How exactly do you uninstall the drivers?


I reinstalled it, now it works as before, only shows a screen resolution of 1024x768 and 800x600 before I could just set everything as usual, only now only the two at once.


I reinstalled it, now it works as before, only shows a screen resolution of 1024x768 and 800x600 before I could just set everything as usual, only now only the two at once.