Caps lock for capitalization?


My laptop will not show anywhere if I have capitalized the caps lock key. I always make a belly landing when I enter a password. Is there a section in the settings that I can activate to see that the button is activated?


If you tell us which laptop with which operating system, you might be able to help. But as…


I have forgotten

Dell Inspiron 17R

Windows 10


If you do not have a Tasta with LED, you could try TrayStatus.
Then icons will appear in the bottom right corner of the taskbar indicating status (for example, Caps Lock enabled / disabled).


I said, Windows itself also offers no such display functions, just a beep sound aufpiepst when switching.

Edit: even 2 different beeps, so you can distinguish between active and inactive.


Depending on the application in which you want to log in, you can see whether the Caps Lock key is activated.

And different laptop manufacturers sometimes offer the option of displaying the Caps Lock on the screen.

If all this does not work, then you can log in to many applications the entered password.


Thank you Thank you TrayStatus I did not know so far. Did I download the feature? Could not find CapsLock. I have still set some check marks. Now, in the bottom line, I've seen a few things that probably do not imply applications. With try and error, I will certainly continue. Or do you have another tip?