Laptop shows colorful stripes when you dress up?


4 months ago I bought a used laptop with warranty for 6 months for 390 Euro with Dr. Med. Tech. When I turned it on yesterday, only colorful, flickering stripes appeared… He stood on my desk all the time. When I complained there today, it was assumed that I had thrown it down. I left him now… Should come back tomorrow. I want my money back.

Is not that right?


I had the same problem! Result - the hard drive was broken!


But I still have warranty… Then he would give me NEN other used or give the money or not?


Stripes in colorful… The classic for a graphics card exitus

I also had my m60.

the thing had no garatie and was a garbage dump.

have the then about 2 years always disassembled and polished.

should be a guarantee case


I can't imagine that it is the hard drive. Is it easy to determine if you boot the computer from an external medium, eg. From a cd


I want my money back.

Is not that right?

No it is not.

You have to give the seller the opportunity to repair the device.


Please give me a google graphics card error and search under pictures.

you will certainly find the selection

In case of a fall, the display will break or damage the housing of the lappie. Even the hard disk can be heaven… The graka should not get it in something like that


Right. Mostly it is a contact problem of the graka chip on the motherboard.

Often, however, this is repaired only very amateurish and the error returns.

ask what and with which method is or was repaired.


Thank you… Today was the boss… I seem to have come in a transport because something between… Display is broken… Get a new installed for 139 euro… Annoying, but that was explained plausible and not even just rude, he claims me would have fallen down…


This is of course more than annoying… Something you have to latten unfortunately, is not under warranty