Computer damage, what should I do?

- in Acer

I have a problem and although it is so I have a laptop from Acer! First to the laptop Ansich he has a broken battery but has always been working properly connected to the power cord. Now it happened that a mishap happened to me earlier and although I accidentally spilled a few drops of water on the mouse field of my laptop, I immediately tried to get rid of it, but I think that the little water on it came in The short time had probably come in the grooves in the mouse field because while that happened I was on the laptop active and 10-15 seconds after the water accident, the laptop then went out at once was completely gone for 2-3 minutes and then I squeezed on start signal to start it up but everything went except the, screen, so screen of my laptop that showed no picture but did not respond, almost like I would have closed it!

On the laptop are new important unsecured data that I need and still had to save on another device, knows one of what I have to do or should the screen of my laptop again?


Let him something to dry, so that water goes away. It does not have to cause any permanent damage from the water, but as long as it's in there, it probably will not work. If it still does not work later, you should ask at an electronics store, they can help better. If you can write down the laptop to get to the "water hole", try that and dry it that way.


Suspend power supply, battery out and let stand for 1 week, then you can try it again.

If that does not work, remove the hard drive, plug it into a PC via SATA USB converter and read and save the data.


Do I have to leave it 1 week or is that the time to dry the water completely or even 1-2 days? And regarding your second advice, I still have a question and although the laptop is still on as soon as you press the start button but does not show any picture on the data are still received so far and with the help of a USBS deductible?


How long would you recommend me to dry it was not so much water Ansich only I read that by starting the laptop when not yet completely dried water, it can come to a short circuit?


Do I have to leave it 1 week or is that the time to dry the water completely or even 1-2 days?

Depends on the amount of water. The water must dry completely, otherwise you risk a hardware damage.

are the data still preserved and deductible using a USB?

The data is probably still on it unless the hard drive has gotten anything.

But with a USB stick, you will not be able to pull data down if the screen does not work, unless you can guess how to use the mouse to mark and copy the files.

In such a case, it is easy to simply remove the hard drive and then connect via adapter to another PC.


It was a really small amount of water but it seems to be really dry at first, but I think since I do not know anything about the technical field I should rather ask a specialist for expanding the hard disk


There are some shops that will do that to you. In Austria there are eg Etec so the Computerreperaturen offer and of course can do something synonymous.

But as I said first wait for the week.