Notebook repair?


Hello I've sent my laptop for repair and now receive this mail with a cost estimate (fortunately not so expensive). But I do not quite understand what's going on now. Why do I get a quote if the repair is not possible?

'' TEMPERATURE MODULE Defect, fan defect hereby the detection as well as mechanical damage that significantly affect the integrity of the device: breakage of the lower part of the housing.

Warranty claims have expired because of the identification of serious mechanical damage, and repair is not possible because the components covered by the support are in the wrong physical environment and there's a risk of renewed damage. Loss of integrity of the device increases the risk of further damage as the components do not work in the environment specified by the designers and also directly affect the trouble-free operation of the device. "


You will receive the estimate for the items mentioned in the quotation.

Unfortunately Misk Glaskugel is currently out of service.


Well with the estimate you pay so the power that is necessary to find out what is broken and possibly repairable. And in this case it is not possible because of the breakage of the housing.