To install Laptop Linux on Windows?

- in Acer

I bought a laptop and the Acer Extensa 2540-52SS and there's a SDD with 256GB available. There's Linux on the operating system and I want to install Windows. I have inserted the Windows CD and set with F2 in the boot system, that the laptop boots with the CD. Then he starts the Windows setup, but I can't install Windows on a partition. Especially not on the SSD with 256GB. What can I do now? I would like to uninstall Linux and install Windows. I only have a Windows 7 CD and wanted to update Win7 to win10. What can I do?


You can install Windows 10 directly with the Windows 7 Key.

During the installation of Windows 10, you can delete the Linux partitions and use the free space for installing Windows 10.

Is everything then self-explanatory.


No one will answer as you formulated the question. Linux and Windows are operating systems that are mutually exclusive. There's the possibility of setting one up as a virtual machine in the other, but that's not like any game you install.

The question might be better "How can I install Windows on a laptop?"
should be.

Linux only plays a role here because Windows is too primitive to recognize file systems (formatting) better than FAT or NTFS.

However, Windows should be able to repartition and then format the entire hard disk (or SSD).
That none of the existing partition is suitable for this is due to their formatting.

I can't say how to select the entire disk when installing Windows, because I do not use Windows and only occasionally have something to do with this Windows.

By the way, you can't uninstall operating systems, whether Windows or Linux or…

Find out how to pick the "entire plate".


Delete the Linux partitions

and if the disk has only one partition?
Windows also needs a partition. There remains probably only to provide one with a different file system.


The Windows 10 installer automatically partitions the disk.


Well then you do not have to delete anything.


For existing partitions, there's no automatic partitioning. Already not if these are not NTFS partitions. So you have to delete this before.

On the vacated space you can create either nanopart Windows partitions, or click on the unpartitioned area and click on "next". The installer will then automatically create the necessary partitions.


Deleting a partition means nothing else than changing the partition table. What is that for a scrap, if only for example. Linux needed to prepare the disk for Windows?


Deleting a partition means nothing else than changing the partition table.

That is correct.

What is that for a scrap, if only for example. Linux needed to prepare the disk for Windows?

How did you come to this?

I've stated several times here that this works by using the Windows installer.


There's Linux on the operating system and I want to install Windows.

The device has a GNU / Linux distribution (an alternative operating system) installed.
If you want Windows instead, why did not you buy it that way? Probably because it was cheaper and you still have a Windows DVD somewhere ;-)

Then he starts the Windows setup, but I can't install Windows on a partition.

This is because Windows is unable (and unwilling) to handle Linux professional file systems!

If the installation routine has to tell Di this to delete (remove) all existing partitions. After that, the actual installation can take place.

I would like to uninstall Linux

Operating systems have never been uninstalled!
They will be overwritten by another one.

Linux Hase