Remote control from S4 Mini?

- in Acer

I have a problem:

I would like to control an S4 Mini remotely from my notebook (Acer Switch 3) or S8 (I would not care), i.e. Operate from these devices. I already have some apps (e.g. Teamviewer, Anydesk or AirDroid), but they all don't work with the Android version (4.4.2) of the S4 …

Teamviewer Quick Support, for example, can be installed, but it requires a "Samsung Add-On" which, according to the Play Store, is "not compatible" with the S4. Anydesk only showed me a connection code on the S8, but not on the S4, so I could control my S8 remotely with the S4, but not the other way around… Since I don't want to root the S4, AirDroid is out of the question (I know, you can work around this, but for some reason it doesn't work for me…).

Does anyone know of a way to remotely control an Android KitKat device from another device?


Have you tried Samsung SideSync?