Which laptop is for After Effects?

- in Acer

I have an Acer laptop and downloaded After Effects there, but it rarely worked well. It just hung up all the time and crashed. My laptop is generally not very fast either, I have the feeling.

In any case, I wanted to buy a new one, but don't really know which one or what to look out for if I want to edit it with After Effects. With After Effects I would rather make edits (Instagram page). So with edits I mean 3D effects, etc. Make edits for people and about series

So maybe someone can tell me what to look out for or has a laptop recommendation?


Why do you want to use After Effects for your edits?

Premiere Pro is more suitable for this.

Maybe it makes more sense to gain a bit of experience with a simple program than to buy a sinfully expensive laptop?!

With Shotcut you can learn to edit videos well: https://www.shotcut.org/howtos/getting-started/Erste_Schritte_mit_Shotcut.pdf


I think after effects are unsuitable unless you really need 3D etc effects. That's why it's called effects.


You can actually count on the fact that video processing is in the area of high end game laptops and with after effects sometimes even the graphics card for rendering makes sense.

but for that we need to know what you can spend.


In order to work properly with After Effects, you need a lot of power. At least six-core CPU, better 8 (e.g. The Ryzen 4800U), decent graphics chip and at least 16, better 32GB Ram.