I have an intel core 7 acer laptop (have had it for about 3-4 years). He was extremely quick and reliable in the first few years. However, it has been extremely slow for about a year. When I start the laptop, I have to wait about 20 minutes, otherwise the laptop will freeze. The desktop is loaded, but if I open it IMMEDIATELY after starting the laptop, e.g. Google chrome, it freezes completely.
I have a lot of free space. Few games and few programs. But I have a lot of WORD files (for university). The only thing that is "broken" is the battery (which no longer works without a socket).
Could it be because of those stupid Windows updates? I have the feeling after every update my laptop gets worse…
Open the laptop and clean most of the dust in the fans and without a battery most laptops run slower
Take a look at the task manager to see how much the individual components are being used. With my father's laptop it was once the case that the CPU clocked very low due to a fault in the battery and that had to be fixed. If this is the case, you have to deactivate BD Prochot in the program "ThrottleStop" (you have to install the program). But only if the CPU actually always clocks very low and the clock always stays the same, no matter what you do.
Otherwise I would generally reinstall Windows first.
It can have several causes, but I would actually want to take the Windows updates as the last cause, provided you always install the latest.
I would rather blame it on the fact that your system is contaminated with a lot of garbage in the background and reinstalling the system would help.
In principle, however, a hardware defect would not be ruled out, but with the problem you have described, I would in fact first conclude that there's a software problem.
If I were you, I would format the system and do a fresh Windows installation on it. However, if this is too cumbersome for you or you don't feel like doing it, resetting the system would also be an option, although I think a fresh installation is more.
Sounds like a lot of "garbage" on the computer. You could either clean Windows, or reinstall it from scratch.
Cleaning up is not difficult, just open Explorer, right click on C: -> Properties -> Clean up -> Clean up system files -> select everything you want to clean up and then click OK. Should this help, update files that are not required will also be deleted.
Or a new Windows installation, so if the laptop does not have an SSD, an upgrade to an SSD would be worthwhile.
But back up your data beforehand, otherwise it is gone.