Cable connection, doesn't the order matter?

- in Acer

When I connect a laptop to charge, it doesn't matter whether I first plug the laptop into the laptop and then plug it into the wall outlet, or first into the wall outlet and then into the laptop.

I just noticed that it probably doesn't matter on the "acer" laptop. Or am I wrong. Because if I do not follow the exact order, the device will not load. There's nothing in the description and the support has not reported. Maybe someone knows here.


Shouldn't matter.


I thought so too. But when I first plug the cable into the socket and then into the laptop, nothing happens. The charging LED does not come on and it does not charge. Vice versa. That makes me wonder.


Strange behavior indeed, but if it works the other way around, everything will fit.


It's okay, but it puzzled me and I didn't know it until then.


I find it interesting now. Which model is it? I would be interested if it comes from…


It is usually recommended: first into the device and then to the power connection