Don't we have to fill that out together?


My mother fills out the registration form for the 10th school year alone. I just had to sign it. Don't we have to do that together? I have already sent an email request without knowing that I have to fill out a form. * With my mother. So I ignorantly sent this email with a motivation letter and CV. My mother doesn't really enlighten me. She most likely just wants me to sign and not discuss. That was the case with my brother. He wanted to know what this form is for and wanted to read first. My mother didn't want that and was impatient.

Tomorrow a lady wants to have a conversation on a laptop. Over the 10th school year. I will inform you how far I'm with the form. I still photographed them so I can tell her what they are. I also get some information.

It annoys me that I didn't know what to do. Once I asked my mother what I had to do for 10th grade and she said that she would do it. I wanted to know what we both can do for it. As you may have noticed, we don't talk together (good / cooperative?).


Talk to each other


How if she wants to refuse that and often seems stressed or annoyed by my questions?


Not about the form, but about the situation in general. That you are old enough to take responsibility yourself etc


Your mother is your legal guardian, so theoretically she can always assert her opinion against your opinion.

Of course I have to agree with you, it is very disadvantageous if she always makes all decisions for you without you being able to participate. Have you ever asked your mother about it? If not, try that (if possible, if she is not so stressed out). It would of course be very good if you worked out such forms together, because you will be of age in about two years and then you will have to make such decisions yourself. Try to convince them! If your mother is just too stressed out, in my experience you can unfortunately only talk to her that she should maybe relax (or e.g. You and your brother do some of the housework so that she has a little more time).

Is your mother a single parent? If not, talk to your father about it and ask for help.


I've tried it before. I showed her my feelings that she rolled together. She said that I have to change and that I should no longer suffer that I act like a pubescent teen. And she also thinks that I think I don't want to do anything anymore and therefore sometimes say no to orders.


My brother is not allowed to do anything in the household. He has to work all day. I can understand that at lunchtime. He only has a 30-minute break, but he doesn't have to in the evening after eating.