Eternal Windows Chaos?

- in Asus

I have an older ASUS laptop with a built-in battery.

It started a few days ago: bluescreens. At first there were only occasional crashes, then the laptop slowed down. It can't really be Vieen, etc, I did not really spend time on the internet, did more for school, etc, and was not really insecure on YouTube / Netflix.

Then today came the complete crash. I'm caught in a sort of loop between the boot menu and the Windows bluescreens. If I solve an error somehow the next one comes, I've been around for hours and it just can't end. I'm extremely desperate because there's an important school project on it and other important data and also photos. If someone knows, needs any details, please answer!

My personal guess is the recently damaged battery.


You could create a Linux live stick with another PC, boot over it and save the files on the stick.

You could remove the hard drive and connect it to another PC and save the data there

You could try repairing the PC with a Win Boot CD or a Boot Stick.


I assume rather, the main problem is sitting again in front of the laptop!
A technical device always has a defect - what does this have to do with Windows?

With such important data you have a backup - right?

Then take the rescue CDs and first make a backup of the important data to an external memory.

After that you can do a repair with the rescue CD of Windows? Try and at least first check the hard drive.

Greetings from Leipzig

If you do not have a rescue CD, you can get it in any computer image with DVD or, if you still get it here:


# For repair

If you really want to get specific help instructions, but then should call more details. Computer experts here are fed up with asking all the questions again and again!

Laptop model? → known problem? Gelößt? Search on Google

The battery can't be 100%, one has nothing to do with the other.

Which error message on the blue screen? Googling BSOD code!

Has it ever been damaged? Drop Out? Somewhere powerful triggered? BIOS corrupt or wrongly set? Windows Sys32 deleted or corrupt? Programs recently installed / uninstalled drivers? Etc. +100


So I have an ASUS (behind is model R556L on it). I spent hours with Googel, nothing helps. He actually fell down, but at the beginning was still quite normal. Unfortunately, I can't tell you exactly what the problem is, as I get different blue screens with different error codes and instructions every time, that's why I can't find a solution on the internet. I can answer all other questions with No answers, except BIOS (because I have no idea what that should be) and programs. But I only downloaded things like Netflix and Instagram from the Windows Store.


Blue Screen error code, which limits problem area.

Here is one of your model and with him apparently the RAM is too short and the GPU driver is corrupt - It writes too many faulty data in the page file (If RAM is scarce, a portion of the disk is used as a Notloessung, this is synonymous full, the system crashes)

But without error code (the blue screen shows a code which you have to look for!) We're looking for a needle in a haystack.

With him was the error code: "SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED (ntfs.sys)"


My problem is that I already had several codes in the last two days.




These are the three that I had photographed, with the other 2-3, the laptop started too fast again.


Also had something like that. Laptop BSOD because of the wireless card.

Work in safe mode. If there are no more BSODs, then you know that a driver is likely to be corrupt or a service, and thus run paletti with a fresh installation or reset.


If BSOD itself goes into safe-boot, then the CPU is over.


I have tried with such a repair CD, but it is not read. I tried to change it in the BIOS but there was not the option DVD / CD


Have tried it, will not read. Can change in the BIOS but there are with me the options USB / CD or DVD not only UEFI and Windows Repair