Love is changing and emotions are playing crazy


I'm 16 years old and have a friend for almost 2 months.

Before we knew each other, I looked at her about 1 year on the way home from school and always wanted to talk to her, she just put me in that way. We got to know each other on Ski Week and I was the happiest boy in the world. She's just the perfect girl but lately I feel like my feelings are changing. The first month was just the best month of my life because she is the love of my life. We saw each other every day and otherwise phoned all the time. I was addicted to her. Then I got a lot of penalties from my parents because of the school. I was taken away the phone and I got house arrest. It has so destroyed me not to see. Believe me, my love for her was so indescribably great and I was sure that would never change. I cried so many times because I could not see her for a few days. After about 2 days I suddenly felt really little for her. That shocked me so much because I never thought that was possible. She is the love of my life and I still regard her as a perfect girl. Suddenly I had no butterflies in my stomach when I read her letters or saw the pictures of her on my wall. It was so sudden and unexpected. I was simply completely destroyed during this time because the situation at home was extremely bad. I was so scared that I can't be happy with her anymore. I suddenly did not care, I had no interests anymore. I felt she even did not matter to me, although my love for her was so great at first and we just fit together perfectly. When I saw her at school, I somehow felt different, not so happy anymore, I can't explain myself. After some time, I got my laptop and could somehow write with her because I did not have my cell phone. However writing felt different when she wrote I love you, I just stared emotionless at the screen. Since the chaos at home I feel completely unemotional and I have no interests anymore. After some time I was allowed to see her again and since then I have the feeling that I feel more for her. Nevertheless, it is somehow different when we write or go out. I can explain it myself hard. Is that due to stress and puberty?


It's like you're in love with a person in the beginning. That's the way it was with you.

Love comes much later. Love is when you are no longer ashamed of her, you want to stay with her forever and you have already successfully overcome a low.

With you the infatuation phase seems to be over slowly. It then decides whether it will become love or not.