After booting up the laptop, do I get to the Boot Manager?

After booting up the laptop, do I get to the Boot Manager After booting up the laptop, do I get to the Boot Manager - 1


After booting up I get into the Boot Manager and can't get out of there!
At the beginning comes "Default Boot Device Missing Location Boot lazy. Insert Recovery Media and Hit and Hey Ten Select, Boot Manager, to Choose a Boot Device Location to Boot Recovery Media"

If I then tap on Ok, I get into the Boot Manager, but unfortunately I can't make a selection and I don't get any further.

Maybe someone can help me there what can be done?


Go into the BIOS and put your hard drive in first place.


What? A sniffel?
if the questioner does not even recognize that the hard drive has been smoked, he will go in the BIOS, certainly not be able to imagine that easily.