What do you think of these laptops?

- in Asus

I would like to buy a new notebook. The main criteria are: professional design (no gaming case), at least 500 GB SSD, fast processor, good graphics card, less than 1000 euro. Oh yes, and no I do NOT want a PC, but a notebook that looks relatively classy. Thanks to everyone who answers / votes!

The notebook should meet these requirements and be used for image processing as well as for video editing, but still not cost a lot unearthly. If he (the graphics card) manages one or the other mediocre EgoShooter would of course not be bad (so ne GTX1650 or similar).

The following devices are my current favorites, but I'm open to new suggestions (which meet the above criteria). In the survey, you can vote which laptop you think is better, but also like to write an answer yourself.

Asus: I don't know the site very well and I'm not quite sure how a notebook with these components can be so cheap. I suspect the laptop was upgraded.


Acer Aspire 7: This notebook has only 8GB RAM, which I would then upgrade to 16 myself. I would also add Windows 10 (sold with Linux eShell).



I have a notebook with an i5 8300H and a 1050TI

Yes, and even with this I can cut 4K 60fps video

Here is a comparison


So that you can see that your notebook should be able to do this

But the cooling must be good because otherwise the comparison on the right changes quickly


All right, then the two should make it really easy. Thanks for the feedback. May I ask why you chose the Acer and not the Asus?


Because he has it even better


All right, but it's also more expensive (because I still have to upgrade it). Beautiful evening!


Thanks, a nice evening for you too