Buy a new notebook / laptop or use an old one?

- in Asus

I ordered a notebook on November 27th, 2018. Since I didn't have a lot of money back then, but urgently needed a device.

I chose the Asus T101HA-GR029T convertible notebook with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage, which costs 250 euro.

Now I'm considering buying a new notebook / laptop, which may cost a little more, because I have to write a lot during my training as an educator.

But I'm not sure whether I actually need a new one or whether that is nonsense.

Basically the notebook from 2018 works, it is quite slow and takes a long time to perform an action, but in the end I can still type my reports with it, but nothing more.

In my situation, would you buy a new device?


I can roughly imagine what you get for 250 euro.

I would definitely get a new notebook. Personally, I get the crisis when the computer is slow.

At the end of the day it depends on your personal feelings. However, you can't get a good (new) notebook for less than 1000 euro.


If you use it primarily as a "typewriter", you don't need a new one. It should even be enough for surfing. But everything that needs high graphics performance, e.g. Streaming videos or even playing (at a low level) requires significantly more power.


Ne play I don't want to stream eg Netflix earlier. Occasionally wanted to cut videos, but the current notebook can't do that. 5 minutes to 1 action including crash


If it is primarily about typing, I can only recommend the tablet.

iPad (Apple)

Tab S (Samsung)

There are certainly still others, but I've only had experiences with these two.

My iPad did all of my typing in school and in training. I used the Notability app and a Logitech keyboard. This is a fine thing if you are not a fan of senseless paper destruction and want to organize your documents without great effort.


Yeah, I often get the crisis too. I was thinking of Microsoft's Surface Laptop Go, isn't that a good thing? Which ones can you recommend that are still good to take away?


I already thought of the Tap S, but found Android not so suitable, because we also download programs like Microsoft Teams, the app is only very packaged. I actually only write digitally and no longer on paper. IPad makes more sense, but not when you're in the Samsung Cosmos.


I have to disagree. For less than 1K you can get good work equipment, especially if the focus is on office activities.


If you have 1129 euro over, I would highly recommend the new (!) MacBook Air. Very important. The old ones are useless.


I thought about that too, but I don't know if I can handle it, because I'm used to Windows and Android and have never used IOS.


The Surface Go is based on ARM and therefore can't run x86 programs. In theory, this may not matter in your case, but you should note that you then have a smaller selection of software. But it can be enough for writing.


2000 euro is a huge difference to 200 euro at 2000 euro you can expect it to be very long, very good, yes the climate aspect also plays a role for me.


Understand. Personally, I would say that MacOS is a lot easier to use. But that's probably subjective again.

Classic programs such as the Office package, Firefox, Chrome, etc. Are also available for the Mac.


I understand, but should it be enough for a video editing program, Word, Powerpoint, Microsoft Teams?


Very good, I think I should just have a look, unfortunately the shops are closed and I can't test well.


Yes. That's why I recommend buying a device that will last longer next time. But as long as you don't have to urgently, you should use the old device.


Many Thanks.


I used MS Teams on the iPad for almost a year and it has worked flawlessly to this day. I think that there wouldn't be very many differences in porting on Tab S.

To the eco system:

I'm the only one in my circle of friends who now exclusively uses Apple products. The rest of them are in the Android warehouse, but almost half of them have an iPad because of the apps and the technical possibilities.

The iPad can also be used wonderfully alone without an iPhone or MacBook. It doesn't have to be the latest Pro device either, the Air from 2018 can do many things very well and is affordable. But what was actually the reason for buying it for me are the many useful apps that are not available on Android.


That sounds pretty good.


Office and teams yes, I don't think video editing so much.

I could still imagine simple activities, but no chance when it comes to programs like Adobe's Creative Cloud. Unfortunately has no ARM support.


If you have any further questions, please feel free to write to me. I have gained a lot of experience with these devices in recent years, especially in the field of school and training.


I would get a new notebook in your place.

It's just annoying when the old one is too slow, especially when you have to write a lot with it.

It is best to sell your old one and buy a new notebook or, if you feel like it, a used one

4GB RAM is actually not enough anymore and sooner or later you will have to change anyway.

It's best to buy a notebook with an AMD Ryzen 3500u processor, for example this one

or even better one with the successor Ryzen 4500u like this one:


It takes about 3 days to get used to it. MacOS can be operated very intuitively. The new M1 chips from Apple are also ARM, but there are many programs (including professional video editing) that already support M1.
For everything else, Rosetta 2 (emulating x86) will help, which works ridiculously well! The battery lasts 10h +, perfect for getting through the working day.


I was referring to the Surface Go, not the new 2020 M1 MacBooks.

The MacBooks can start x86 programs via emulation.


Incidentally, the Surface Go is based on x86 and can therefore run all normal Windows programs.

But it only has a Pentium processor, so in two years you will be like now

The Surface Pro X has an ARM processor and is definitely not recommended

Better buy a Mac then


Oh dear, then I'm sorry!

I thought the Go range should be the continuation of the RTs.

Thanks for the correction!

Edit: Intel Pentium? What do they think?

I already use a Mac, never anything else!


I have to disagree with that, we have his Surface Go in the family and it's extremely slow.

maybe the Surface Pros are better


I had a Pro 2 (i5) myself and that was great for its time. However, the new Pro X is equipped with ARM architecture. The tests have shown that the Pro X is clearly NOT worth the money. The ARM advantages (battery life) do not come into play here, the device is outrageously expensive and you have to rely on the apps that support ARM.


But. Mine cost 750 and is great. But unfortunately it was a discontinued model. It has 8gb of RAM and 512 ssd. And an AMD Ryzen 7 processor


Performance isn't everything.


The normal ones may be better, but the Surface Go is definitely not fast

Ryzen 7 sounds pretty good, but the Go has Pentium


Thanks for your technical comments. Yes, when I read it like that, I tend towards the Mac. Which are better the M1 or Retina? They hardly differ, do they?


Thank you I will, you seem to have a clue


If it should be a Mac M1 the others still have the old processors




I also answer again to consolidate it ^^

If you get a MacBook, only the M1 processors. In some areas the M1 MacBook Air is faster than the 16 "MBP with an Intel processor for 4000 euro.


Damn okay thanks.