Copy removed HDD hard drive Windows to new laptop?


I'm currently looking for a way to completely copy my old hard drive with Windows to a new laptop.

The laptop is identical to the old one, it is an exchange. I now have a new laptop with Windows 10. And the old hard drive with a USB adapter. I can only find instructions to clone the hard drive, but Windows 10 is already on the laptop, I only have the hard drive from the old laptop. Is there an ISO where I can plug in the old hard drive and format the new hard drive and play the old one over?


The function is indeed called "cloning" and can be mastered by any good backup program. Of course, also via a boot data medium, which can do some "from outside".

Please note your Windows license, whether it supports taking it to a new computer. This is not standard!


Thanks for the quick answer, which boot software can you recommend? I have already backed up the current Windows with the "new license" in case Windows causes problems. It is the same hardware if necessary you can reactivate the current license that is already activated on the new laptop. I now have 2 licenses. I have tried a few cloning software and they only offer Windows to clone what is already on the hard disk to a new, empty disk. I want it the other way around. From the old hard drive to the new one in the laptop.


I do this with Clonezilla. I would make an image backup from the LT A to an ext. Make hard drive. Then restore this backup on the LT B.

Download the Clonezilla live System iso file, burn it to DVD or USB stick or set it up as bootable Boot with DVC or USB stick