USB stick can't be formatted - what to do?


I was not allowed to use my private laptop for an exam at school (any documents were allowed, but there was a fear that we would set up mobile internet) and had to start a program from my USB stick. Since the school computers are old scrap, the program that was already running painfully slowly (I had tested it on my private laptop and it ran ultra-fast from the stick) later crashed while closing because the computer took forever to close shut down. It completely shot the program to pieces. That would not be a problem in itself - I have a 1: 1 copy on another data carrier. But apparently it shot the entire USB stick with it. If I z. B. Wants to delete data, then it only works with a few bytes per second. No problem either - all data is also backed up elsewhere.

But if I now want to format the stick with a right click, the formatting window appears and I can then click on Start, but then nothing else happens. I don't think the formatting crashed - I can even click on cancel to stop the process and it works. Only when I let the formatting run does the bar at the bottom, which should show the status, simply remain grayed out (also with a gray background, which I think should actually turn white as soon as the formatting starts) and I can also wait for minutes and see the status stay that way.

What I noticed: The stick gets so extremely hot at the front that you can no longer touch it. Otherwise you get burned and that is by no means exaggerated. So I was hoping that I could format it in a few minutes, because I'm actually afraid that the heat might not be good for my laptop. Often it is no longer even recognized by the laptop. A friend of mine looked at it under Ubuntu, but it was sometimes displayed and sometimes not displayed. At least we were able to erase the broken program painfully slowly - but 100 GB would take a year or two if I extrapolate that with the few bytes per second under Windows. ^^ Under Ubuntu it was at least in the kilobyte range, but unfortunately my buddy lives far away and I won't see him again anytime soon.

I hope someone knows a solution - otherwise, unfortunately, 30 euro are wasted…


If you have Windoof 10:

Open the start menu
Search for "CMD"
Right click on "Command Prompt"
"Open as administrator"
Enter "diskpart" there
Since then "list disk"
Then "select disk X" (replace the X with the number of your USB stick)
Then enter "clean" to delete everything completely.
Open any folder
Then right click on "This PC" in the bar
Select "Disk Management"
Right-click on it where "Not assigned"
Select "New Simple Volume…"
Click "Next" or "Finish" at the end

Then it's "already" done.


First of all thanks for your answer. So I'll get to diskpart. After that I can enter whatever I want - the characters that I enter don't even appear.


I think it has now been dealt with anyway: the stick was just shown empty when it was opened. Formatting now apparently worked with the right click, i.e. Without the command window. However, he can still no longer be saved - at least I don't know how. It's still excruciatingly slow. For the sake of fun, I once created a txt file with only the file name and no further content on the stick. Then I deleted this txt file, which should only be a few bytes in size, and then the bar to delete it ran through and that took about half a minute for the small file… But thank you for your help. Oh, and the stick is still extremely hot… ^^


If you ordered it through Amazon, you can at least contact customer support. They will offer you 99% return shipping and refund your full money.


Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately I bought it in a shop.