Outlet crackles at once?


The power outlet has been behaving strangely for years otherwise only small lightning flashes came in sometimes when inserting a plug (I've read that is supposed to be quite normal) and when you're listening very close to your ear you hear a kind of beeping. But right now she's starting to crackle. There was no power for a short time I plug out plug in the crackle began and the screen of the laptop began to switch over (from battery to charging cable mode) Does anyone know what that is?


Is this the outlet or just your notebook power adapter? Because that sounds more like this than if your power supply makes problems and not the outlet.
What happens if you try another?

A spark plugging in is normal for switch mode power supplies

Sums are normal on a network, but sockets should not buzz.

Crackling is not normal in the things you have in my opinion.


The PSU can't be that I have now connected elsewhere the crackling comes out of the socket.


Crackles the outlet even if nothing is connected?

What is this outlet? A normal wall socket?

Sounds like that should be replaced.


No, no crackle if there's nothing left


Then I'll soon have to get well NEN professional and need to have the exchange


What kind of socket is this? Because if the e.g. A neon indicator light has, then it may be that a operating noise is normal.

But if it's a simple wall socket or something, there should not be a crackle.


It's a normal wall socket that I usually use with a small multiple socket. Can a small power strip also cause such a crackling? Maybe that's it and not the outlet itself? Because if I have the multiple thing just so in crackles not synonymous. Wills just do not try ^^


Sure, this can also trigger the multiple socket. That can also be broken. Would be stupid if you change the wall socket but only the multiple socket is broken.

Did you have the multiple socket because every time connected as you have observed the crackle? If so, then of course that is an obvious possibility.


Yes, have the multiple always tuned there I'll probably have to look again, if the crackling caused perhaps


I would do that.


Loose contact in the socket.

Wire no longer screwed tight, if screw terminal.

Or plug-in terminal that is "lazy" (maybe get too warm and no longer pinches properly).

Either switch from the professional or look at expertise itself (fuse out!)


For me it would mean that in the socket a cable is not properly fixed or already verschmort. Fuse out, unscrew the lid and look. You can see that evt., Or just tighten the cable screws in the socket. Do not forget to lock, otherwise it will be the last repair