Power line roars, what is this? How should I act as a tenant?


I've moved four months ago and every now and then I hear a strange sound in the evening or at night, a loud hissing or rushing sound. First thought it was an animal. When I plugged in some electrical appliances, laptop, cellphone, etc., at a socket, this sound recurred after some time. In addition, I noticed very slight electric shocks on my hands.

After I removed the devices from the power outlet, the hissing / hissing stopped immediately. I can use another outlet in the room, but it's awkward.

Outside the apartment is a small strip attached, which is taped. Can it be that there are sockets, and this affects the line in the apartment? It is the socket behind the outer wall with the glued bar.

How should I proceed, threaten the landlord with a rent reduction and set a deadline? If it can be dangerous then I have to call an electrician and announce to the landlord that I will deduct the maintenance from the rent.

Is it correct that way?


Did you have the whole devices by means of multiple plug s.einer socket?


How should I proceed, threaten the landlord with a rent reduction and set a deadline? If it can be dangerous then I have to call an electrician and announce to the landlord that I will deduct the maintenance from the rent.

First inform the landlord.
He does not know what he does not know.
You should not hire any craftsmen as a tenant.
Unless you pay for it yourself.


I would first talk to your Vermiter, maybe he takes over the cost of an electrician equal, without threats, etc. If he is not so Kulant, I would order an electrician, and give him the bill, which he then has to pay!


Supplementary comment:

As far as everything properly described with landlords inform etc.

The "electrical outlets" come by remote diagnosis, by so-called spark bridge or spark flashovers as soon as power is drawn at the suspect socket. If there's no active consumer, or if no voltage is drawn, these noises stop immediately according to the question.

This alone indicates poor or loose contacts in the socket assembly. The asker makes the only right thing and does not use this outlet.

Glued bar: Without picture, although no CONCRETE assessment of this construction possible…

However, it would be a thing of the madhouse, if behind the bonding an amateur cable connection, e.g. By means of so-called Luster terminals etc. Would hide. A continuous cable connection would be technically the right thing.

To both above points came the correct answer:

Inform the landlord immediately. And this best instructs a qualified electrician so that both points above, and thus sources of error again be expertly put in order.


Hello many thanks for the very helpful comments. I have already informed the landlord, via mail and also by phone call, but no one answers.

Now cih have written such a complaint, I will print out your remote diagnosis and send them by email and then call again, I'm afraid. Does it make any sense to shift the shifters where the power runs out? Sorry, I'm in stress both professionally and privately and can't put it another way.

I have set a period of three days in the letter and also threatened with the police and a display.

Maybe not so good.


It was my laptop and a small (very small desk lamp) on the wall socket next to it.


@ Brandenburg way, I also get on the other rear wall, the built-in electrical outlet small electric shocks.


Small electric shocks from another wall:

Unfortunately, only my hopefully correct remote diagnosis again:

This indicates a so-called leakage current, where e.g. There are low voltages on surfaces, which are not normally there.

Lt. So far, the situation description seems to say "SOME" to the current electrical installation - presumably in the entire apartment - to be in the bad.

Notification of defects to the landlord and set him a deadline: The only thing left over.

Form of landlord info: BEWEISSICHER is u.a.

a registered mail letter by return receipt. Although this costs a few euro. With a signed return receipt (this goes back to the sender) but the recipient can't claim to have received no letter without further ado.

Emails and telephone calls are, according to the current legal situation, NOT as evidential as the registered registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

Shifting a gearshift: Nothing has been mentioned so far. Therefore ESPECIALLY in need of clarification:

, Where is this or the shifter?

, And what MIGHT have asked about it by remote diagnosis, EVTL. To be effected? What, for example The line history before and after the shift lever could explain.

, Are with "shift lever" possibly fuses with toggle switch meant? Of these, each apartment usually has multiple fuses because of different circuits.

IF this applies with fuses THEN:

, Turning off the fuse for the room with the obviously defective sockets would be the safest solution until it is repaired.

Threat with the police and ad: Keep that in mind and tell the landlord if possible not in advance.

IF message: Then this one

, To reimburse unannounced after a reasonable period of time, if NOTHING happened within this period, I especially understand the lasting remedy of defects.

Pers. Final recommendation:

, If available, an at least reasonably knowledgeable acquaintance, etc., let me see the whole thing on the spot, if you have no idea of the subject at all… Which should not mean negative criticism, etc.

, For example, if the current installation poses a specific hazard, a renter would also be entitled, for the purpose of further hazard prevention, to commission a qualified electrician for repair and subsequently charge the landlord for this.

, If present on the spot: With the facts about e.g. Mieterberatung, Mieterschutzbund or comparable facilities go and get further advice there.

All the above was written by my side, to the best of my conscience, by means of hopefully accurate remote diagnostics… SUDDENLY, therefore, only in the subjunctive (the possibility form)

For CONCRETE situation assessment, however, I would have to be PERSONALLY on site.