Why does playback keep stopping on my laptop?


The playback on my laptop with Windows 10 keeps stopping on various websites, e.g. On Youtube, Soundcloud etc. The video or song pauses, I press play again, then it starts again, but after about a minute (sometimes more, times less) the same again. In any case, it can't actually be due to the internet connection, because the videos are still loaded on YouTube, for example. What could I do or try? LG


I have this "problem" partly on the Windows 10 laptop as well as on the desktop.

Under Windows 10, the laptop tends to spontaneously lose the WLAN signal for a short time.

The Windows 10 desktop likes to briefly lose the LAN signal.

I don't always notice both. I'm just wondering why the radio stream stopped, or why the video stops and has to re-buffer. If I happen to look at the icon for WLAN or LAN, I see it trying to establish a new connection.

With the old Windows 7 box, absolutely no problems. So I blame Microsoft Windows 10. I also read somewhere that Windows 10 likes to cause problems with Intel WLAN / LAN cards / chips.

So I hope this is one of the many updates that fixes.


Sounds plausible because I never had the problem on other devices such as my cell phone or television when using the apps. Really annoying.


With the old Windows 7 box, absolutely no problems. So I blame Microsoft Windows 10.

If you should use WLAN (you don't exclude it with text!), This would be a completely wrong conclusion.

Since we do not know from the questioner how the device is connected in the LAN, the possibilities are diverse and can only be guessed at the moment…


I have the problem as well as LAN / WLAN. But the Windows 7 box is connected via LAN.

Also, I have never had such interruptions with Windows 7 laptops as now / now with Windows 10.

No problems even with a tablet / smartphone. Only the Windows 10 PCs have / cause problems. For me, that limits the whole thing.


Now let's put it this way:
It is not a general Windows 10 problem otherwise the support forums would be full of it. And they are not.

It is more likely that it is due to your particular device.
With something like that, I would have to take a look at the device. As I said: the possibilities, why it is, are manifold.


Plural: "devices", if it were just a device, I would also seek complicity in the device in question.

And it's not the only, first, Windows 10 laptop with Wi-Fi with noticeable behavior.


Windows 10 laptop with

The probability that it is due to the physical conditions of your hardware / network or WLAN driver is much more likely than that it is due to Windows 10 in general.
As I said, if it did, the support forums would be full of this problem.