Interface Scarlett 2i2, how do I get the playback audible for the participants during a Zoom meeting?


Thank you for your time. For my exam I have to perform a piece via Zoom and get the playback, which is running on the laptop, inaudible to the participants. The playback is an mp3. File that I play on Windows. The voice (via microphone which is connected to the interface) goes out. The headphones are connected to the interface. (I can hear both signals on the headphones.)

I have the same problem when recording the exam videos.

Anyone know what?


Hi, the problem is known, we had that too. In my opinion, not solvable, because, as far as we know, the zoom does not take the playback on the audio player of the PC with it.

Have you ever tried to send the mp3 file from the interface via the second channel?

That should go with an adapter to 6.3 jack e.g. From the Mp3 player…

Unfortunately, I wouldn't have any other idea. Greeting


Oh dear.oke.
I have not yet tried to take the mp3 file from the interface via the second channel.
At most I have the file on my smartphone - give it a try.


I think that could work…


In a pinch, it would be possible to rerout the audio signal internally, but that will not do you any good because your live recorded video will be time-shifted! The live video is still compressed and that takes a bit of time. The audio would be sent immediately. This would give you a time delay.

The easiest way is still to just put a box and play the music over it and record the video again with the music. This makes the music sound worse, but it is at least in sync.