Why are there no 10nm desktop processors from Intel?


I have recently seen a 10nm processor from Intel in a laptop, but of the desktop processors in 10nm I have not heard anything. Is not the desktop market so important or why do you spend so much time on it?


https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Intel-stuck-at-14nm-and-behind-in-10nm-though-GloFo-is-readying-7nm-technology-for-Ryzen see here


Intel does not manage to produce the CPUs in the required quantity and quality, there's too much waste… Notebooks CPUs do not have this high quality requirement and are not requested in these quantities.

It will probably take a long time until Intel is ready.


If Intel finally arrived at 10nm then the others will be at the first 5nm, and when Intel has arrived at 7nm CPUs, the others will probably have the 5nm on the market.


Would you want to buy a processor that costs less power than a currently available Coffee Lake and costs even more? The 10nm process is not far enough developed, the reject rate is relatively high and the achievable clock rates low. What does the Sunny Cove architecture do with 15% more IPC if you get 20% less clock for it? Nothing.


Well, at least better temperatures.


And that brings something? As long as you do not overclock, that does not really interest you.


I think the next gen comes sooner than expected:
