What should I do? - 4


I've been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years now and have been living together in an apartment for exactly one year.

We fight over very unnecessary things and when it comes down to it we provoke ourselves extremely strongly.

I'm of the zodiac sign Capricorn and he is Libra.

We both have our flaws, we both try to get a grip on it, but somehow he can't manage it and I've come a long way to change myself so that I'm "perfect" for him.

When we argue, his side always gets violent because I provoke him so strongly at that moment that he then becomes aggressive towards me. A common reason for arguments is that I have my own opinion and he doesn't manage to change my mind into his opinion. At that moment he feels offended and attacks me verbally and sometimes aggressively.

I've tried everything possible to make him change, the last time I said the last thing I can do is tell his mom what's going on with us sometimes. I had done it at the moment I was with my parents because I needed time for myself. I thought that if his mom tells him that it doesn't work that way, that he will change.

Unfortunately it didn't work and something happened again on the weekend: I had my period, he was on the laptop and I went to him and asked him something that had provoked him (I can understand, I said it in a disgusting tone) He then provoked me back, time has passed and he said oh let's forget that and watch a film, I'll look for one, he's looking for a film for us for 1 minute (hasn't found one) and goes on instagram I asked him why aren't you looking any further? I was happy to see a film. Out of nowhere he said to me a saying that provoked me quite a lot during my period and he knows that, we haven't just been together since yesterday.

I was so angry and disappointed that he just said something like that now that I thought to myself, I'll provoke you back now, I did it too.

it's escalated again and it's actually pretty bad. The next day we didn't talk to each other, first of all I wrote him an apology. No reaction from him.

I then came back home in the evening (was gone the day) try to clarify and nothing happens to his side and then continues to provoke me, he locked himself in the living room and films me and says my name and that he is afraid of in the video It hurt me so bad that I packed my things and drove away, now I'm with my parents, I don't know what to do next, I think if you love someone you do everything to make it work, but now I know unfortunately no longer.


Some people don't belong together…


Relationship failed. Definitely.


It hasn't worked for you for a long time. You can't force anything. In addition, I think that you are playing down his physical abuses. You can therefore report it! No matter how much you provoke someone, hitting is part of assault and there's no justification for that. I would advise you to break up and start all over again. There are a lot of couples who provoke each other etc. But nobody would ever get violent. What your friend did is far from understandable.


Stay with your parents, otherwise he'll kill you and separate you from him.

Zodiac signs have nothing to do with aggressiveness.


Personally, I would stay with my parents and wait what he does.

Perhaps then he will notice how much he misses you and if not it will be easier for you to leave him.

If he got violent, I would definitely leave him. I know it's not easy when the other person means something, but whoever does it once does it a second time.

Stay with your parents, enjoy the time there and just don't show him that you can't live without him. Show him that you are happy.

Wish you all the best


It just hurts so incredibly because I love the good things about him so incredibly and it's really nice between us


I know it's never easy but you are definitely a strong woman and there are so many other good men you deserve better.


I broke up today and it hurts incredibly to let go of the person you love and to have to know that the first relationship between the two of us has failed.


You did the only right thing I know you will miss him when that happens think about the not so good times and why you broke up.

Maybe you reward yourself with something you like, put on a dress or something.