Interview for training as IT specialist for system integration?


I recently had an interview, which was via video conference due to the current situation because of Corona.

In this interview, which was my first interview, I was asked only a few questions about myself (as I actually imagined it), but mainly questions about my knowledge. However, not questions like "Is there any previous knowledge of programming languages, etc?", Instead I was asked something like that that I should tell something about Linux, or that I should explain in detail how it is possible that this video conference via laptop / cell phone / PC can run.

Of course, I could only deal with these questions in little or no detail at all, since I did not expect such questions and assumed that I would only learn all the background knowledge for such questions in training, which is why I do not yet have this detailed knowledge need.

Now to my question: Is it normal for such questions to be asked in the interview for this area of training? And do I have to have all this background knowledge before I start my apprenticeship?


Very often the HR manager just wants to get an idea of you. How does the person react to my question? How does he react when he is surprised? Etc.


In almost every interview, it is checked whether you already have any knowledge. If you don't have one, it doesn't automatically mean that you won't get the training.

A wide variety of things are tested on these questions, among other things it also looks at how you react if you can't answer a question. So whether you try to deceive your counterpart, for example, or if you stand by the gaps, whether you have knowledge that borders on this question, or whether you can explain it, but just don't know any technical terms yet.


Thanks for the answer. So is it not the end of the world if I can't answer such questions in detail?


I can't answer this question for your area. But for me it wouldn't be. Because if you already knew everything, why would you want to do an apprenticeship?