Screen green?


Hey At the moment my screen connected to my Nintendo Switch is kind of green. Lately everything was normal but suddenly everything is very greenish. But when I connect the screen to a laptop, everything is back to normal. So is it because of my Nintendo Switch? But I have not set anything in my Nintendo Switch settings that the screen should be greenish or that I have a night mode or something. It actually started with connecting my screen to a laptop, and when I connected the screen to my switch the next day, everything suddenly turned green. And it doesn't go away anymore. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Screen green

Phew hard to say but check the HDMI cable or the rgb settings of the screen


Turn the switch off completely, i.e. Press the power button in the top left until the console shuts down completely. Then restart it again.


I've already tried everything: / but unfortunately it remains greenish. And unfortunately I didn't find anything with the screen settings that would go back to normal: /


I already changed the HDMI cable, but unfortunately it didn't help and I couldn't find anything in the color settings: /


Wait a minute, maybe I just got it wrong. It is NOT the switch that has such a distorted color display, but the monitor to which the switch was connected in dock mode?

In that case, the culprit would be more likely to be found on the cable. Either the HDMI cable is not properly plugged into the monitor and dock, is dirty or has a defect that can be excluded with a test of a second HDMI cable. Since the cable has already been replaced, as I have just read, there was still the option to check the connections for possible contamination.


I'm sorry I couldn't help you.


Hmm right. It could very well be that the dock is a little broken. It's definitely not on the screen, so I think it's very likely that it is on the dock. Then I'll have to buy a new one: /


Not bad. Still thank you for wanting to help me.


Okay, I just noticed that it seems to be on the screen. I just plugged the switch into my brother's screen and saw that it worked on his screen. So it's probably on the screen after all: /


I also just see that in the picture settings there are also 'Advanced Settings' and' Autom. Settings' are on which I unfortunately somehow not click on it. Do you know how I can get this unlocked?