Completely desperate because he can't buy a PC?


My friend (14) is completely desperate because he wants to buy a PC, but it must not do it from his parents. He saved the money himself and would even give his old laptop to his father (the laptop is still pretty good for work). Yesterday he asked his parents if he could buy his PC with his money. As a result, his brother and sister came along and said "You do not need it", "Then you're just inside and just playing".

He said afterwards that he also wants to use the PC for animating, programming and cutting videos. Then come out of his family then just say nothing. He would have made a "deal" that he's out at least 2 hours a day, showing her all the homework that he did, etc. He does not have the best grades, but he's just and generally all about being good.

Most of the time, he is always the only one who always helps his father, but he is certainly not recognized.

What can he do now / what are your tips to convince them?

I need your help, thanks in advance.


Um, what's the question?


What he could do now / what your tips would be to get closer to the PC.


He does not have the best grades

Before he wastes his spare time with computers, it should do more for the school.

The laptop is still pretty good for work

Then he does not need a new computer.


Even if it sounds mean: Maybe his parents do him something really good, if he is not allowed to buy a PC for gambling. Then at least he has the brain free for more important things. The hours of gambling is honestly just brain damage, an escape from reality.

You can also cut, animate and program videos with a slower processor.


How old is he?

Because I think age also plays an important role.

With what do his parents justify their decision?

How much should the PC cost?

Maybe they are 800-1000 (?) € too much for a PC. Even if it is his own money.


You're right about 1, but the school is over now and unfortunately he can't improve much anymore.

To 2: For the animate computer must be pretty good, and he wants to play too.


Cutting videos is just one of the most demanding tasks for CPUs, but okay.


How old is the boy?


He is 14 years old. (15 soon)

They say "you would never go out", but he does not do that right now even though he could play on the old PC as well but he does other stuff as well.

The PC is estimated by him to cost only 300 euro because he can also remove any items that are still good from an older one.


Oh, quark, who cuts Ultra HD videos? For Youtube it is enough.


I would say, playing video games is not just brain damage, it calms down and has, according to several studies as long as you do not play too long even postivie effects. Animating, cutting videos needs a pretty good CPU in order to work well with them.


He is 14 years old, soon 15.


What do you say when he proposes a compromise? Or do not let them talk to you?


At 14, the school is not over yet.


Yes, we're both in fourth grade.


The compromises they make are unattainable for him


What kind of school have you been on?


Even if you cut only in Full HD you need a good PC… If you work a little Color Gradet, with more tracks and a few effects, you also need a good PC for Full HD.


How come? What do you suggest?


He not only cuts, he also animates. And yes, if he wants to deal with it more intensively and also higher-resolution models, he should let the PC render for a long time. But my goodness, then you let the laptop just a few days run through


We're on a NMS, a pretty good and well-known school here


Only one person can write, and no matter how much he learns, he can't do it now.


Oh: -)


He was informed by the parents of a decision and thus he lives with it until he is 18.


Then he can use the holidays to learn so that he has reasonable grades in the next school year.


This year no more, but he still has a few school years time for it