Thermal paste | Which one exactly? + How do you scrape off the old one?


I would like to disassemble my laptop very soon, apply new thermal paste and clean it. I'm relatively new to the field, but I have very much information about the disassembly, so I do not want any answers about something like that. However, I have never applied thermal paste. I also don't know exactly how to scrape off the old thermal paste.

Could someone recommend a thermal paste to me and does it have to be exactly this, this or this […]? Are there certain thermal pastes or are they all theoretically the same? I also need an explanation of how I get the old stuff, I don't want to buy a tool for it.


With a laptop, you can only separate a cooling element from the cpu with plenty of know-how, partly because they are not structured as mainboards from pcs.

just opening the housing and separating the partially filigree cable bridges requires a lot of expertise, otherwise you will quickly destroy a connection.

When the thermal paste has dried on, it usually also glues the cooling element to the CPU. And then you have to be very careful not to tear the CPU when removing it from the circuit board.


Should actually work. Here is a video where someone disassembles it: (is exactly the same model as mine)


It is best to remove the thermal grease with alcohol (isopropanol, brake cleaner, etc.) + a cloth

When it is stuck, carefully scrape it off with a plastic scraper etc.

WLP can take any of the standard pastes available for purchase. They don't take much there


Oops, it was the wrong one, the right one here:

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