Noises in the room?


I always hear noises in the room even when it is very quiet, e.g. At night. It is a tinnitus, I don't think it sounds like I would imagine vibrations of something. Do you mean the electrical devices? The noises or their vibration also changes, e.g. When I change 👀 So through thoughts e.g. I have the feeling that the noises e.g. Vibrate lower or higher or simply vibrate differently. I even know a little about vibrations etc so a little bit and they say everything vibrates and so on. But can that be? So that this is so audible in my room and for me? And I don't really want to hear eig jz whether there are vibrations that I can hear, but can someone tell me WHERE they come from? Is it the laptop or something or Storm in general or maybe I myself?

Looking forward to answers haha😅🙏


For me it was the automatic clock on the bedside table


In all likelihood this is your own body that also makes noises, pulse, breathing, pressure in the ear… You can perceive all of this, so it changes when you change somehow.


Oh yes, as a teenager I had a radio alarm clock with a "flap-down clock": and of course it always makes noises - if only because of the gear motor!


Unplug all power supplies / chargers from the socket and then do a listening test at night.


At night, when it gets particularly quiet, we notice noises that are otherwise masked. Sources can be, for example, your own body or the building services (often the heating). A variability due to your own body tension initially suggests the body's own noises, but the perception of an external noise can also be changed via the eardrum tension.

Without more precise observations or sample recordings, however, there remains a wide range of assumptions…


No that's not it. I don't have pressure on my ears every day (I think) and my pulse is usually relatively the same when I lie down for a long time or something. Breathing also falls out because I could just hold my breath, but that doesn't change the perception of the quiet noises and the vibrations do not only change when I change in the sense that I get up or move around. If these noises are related to me in the sense of quantum physics and so then they would have to change through my thoughts because I'm not moving great either.


Thanks, I wanted to try that too!


I turned off the clock specially thought it would be it first.


You that is not pressure in the sense that it is the blood pressure and even if you hold your breath your body moves you still have a circulatory system in you… And quantum physics only speaks of an influence on objects that they behave differently when you observe it and that was tried with atomic particles that is nothing that can be tested on a person… What if it were possible is, for example, the scientific test series by masaru emoto with water and rice… Thoughts influence the vibration of things that are variable such as water… At Concrete would be impossible to pointless again because how do you want to determine whether the concrete is now changing xD


That's exactly what I mean meine that I would from the feeling that I change these noises with my thoughts or that they react to me…


And yes, that is also possible because thoughts trigger feelings. Feelings are hormones and hormones trigger impulses. The best example think of a person you find absolutely cool