Can I switch from Office to Google Docs, Sheets etc. Without hesitation?


My next laptop is going to be a Chromebook.

Now I have always used Microsoft's Office products for the past few years, and now wanted to ask whether I can safely switch to Google Docs, Sheets and presentations.

I have to be able to create and edit documents * offline * mind you. And since I'll be working a lot with Excel / Docs soon, I wanted to ask if there are any differences, for example in the formulas.

In a nutshell: everything just has to run the same as with Microsoft's Office


I would generally advise against Chromebooks because these devices have an expiration date. After this date, it will no longer receive an update, even if it was still good enough.


By the way: Are you sure you want a Chromebook? Sometimes they are quite limited in what they can do.

And yes, of course the Google products are not a 1: 1 clone of Office and therefore already have differences. But you can also just try out Google Tools.


I only need it for Office, surfing and Netflix. And they are just very cheap and mine has a 10h battery. I want to get the Acer Chromebook 715. Or can you please explain your criticisms of Chromebooks to me.


Well, if you should need other software, you are very quickly at the limits of the device.

If not, this is of course a cheap alternative. But if you are missing something, then you have a problem.


You can also install Android apps on Chromebooks from the Google Play Store. Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Teams and Outlook are also available as apps for Android and you can also use them offline. However, you need a Microsoft Office 365 annual subscription for this. The annual subscription also has the advantage that you always get the latest versions.

Printing is also possible with a Chromebook. All you have to do is install your printer brand's Android printing app. The printer must be Wi-Fi-enabled.

You can also use the Android Netflix app there. Then you can also use Netflix offline.


How other software? So the Acer 715 I want to buy has an i3 and 8GB RAM, isn't that enough for other purposes?


Edit photos, play a game, various other software that you might use in everyday life (I could write a long list). You won't get a lot of this on the Chromebook.


What does that mean? Can I no longer use the Chromebook?


But you can. But it becomes unsafe and that is hardly the point.

Especially since the software itself is quite limited.


What does limited mean?


That you will not have the same range of functions as e.g. With Windows.


Okay thanks


Now have an Acer Aspire 3 in view, do you think an i3 is enough for Office, Netflix and watching streaming on Twitch?


Now have an Acer Aspire 3 in view, do you think an i3 is enough for Office, Netflix and watching streaming on Twitch?


That's enough.

Netflix and Twitch are also available as apps for Windows 10 in the Microsoft Store. There you can also get the following apps. Example: Instagram, Facebook, Amazon, twitter, ebay and much more. You should always use the apps instead of the web browser if possible.


Okay thanks