Use your words without Wi-Fi via mobile data?


I'm celebrating the next birthday with several people in a hall. However, there's no Wi-Fi.

My question now is whether you can still play the game "Use Your Words" (we have it for the Switch and the laptop, Win10 over Steam) via mobile data without consuming too much data? After all, the game and the videos displayed in it only run on the device itself and are not streamed to the phones. These are actually only needed to send your own answers to the game. The laptop or the switch we would give over the hotspot of one of our phones Internet reception to just get these answers sent.

Would this consume a lot of data and has anyone had experience with it? I've already searched the internet, but found no answers.


In no case without WLAN


Do not understand the problem completely.

If there's no Wi-Fi, then build one. More than a router need it but net? Well, if the building is very large, possibly Nen mesh, but think NEN standard router and NEN power connection but probably?


A Flat for a mobile wireless router we find too expensive for a single evening. A connection with which you could connect a normal router, there's unfortunately not there: /


Flat? Mobile router? What are we talking about here?

You need Wi-Fi in the room? W-Lan is nothing that causes any costs? You do not need anything, except just a W-Lan router.

He is of course not online, but he puts you the Wi-Fi.

You can then use your phone as an Access, if you need to be online, but that is first independent of the pure radio coverage of the room.

P.S: I do not know the game and do not know what amounts of data may be incurred here, but for the radio coverage in the building NEN routers and ne outlet enough.