Is It Better To Invest In A DELL Workstation Than A MacBook Pro?

- in Dell

I was a DIY PC user until February 2020. Then I switched to MacBook Pro 16 "(basic configuration).

Of course, Apple has its advantages with its design, the great OS possibilities and the reputation as a Flex brand.

On the other hand, it's just a laptop in the end.

The advantages of being able to say that you can take this MacBook with you anywhere, that there's a good OS and display, are offset by the advantages of a DELL workstation (expandability, also solid workmanship, but cheaper).

If I sell the MacBook, I will not only have a (unfortunately) Windows workstation, but also money for other things.

My philosophy at the moment is: Better an expensive MacBook, because that is a slightly larger investment instead of always buying "lots of cheap things". Do you know what I mean?

Can you help me change my philosophy somehow?


You can put together a Hackintosh, but I don't know whether this is now possible with notebooks


Do you mean a desktop workstation (desktop PC) or a mobile workstation (laptop)?


Desktop PC


Desktop PCs have a higher maximum performance. The price per performance is also cheaper for desktop PCs. So far it shouldn't be anything new.

If you need a PC / laptop now mobile and also need the strong performance, a decent laptop will probably be the better choice.

A decent laptop and a strong desktop PC / workstation are both not cheap. An even more powerful laptop would be the better choice. You have your known performance (a little weaker than a desktop PC) stationary and also mobile. Your data is always ready on the one device. You also save some money with just one device.

With a docking station you can connect your laptop to external monitors and work like a desktop PC with decent peripherals.

If you don't need performance on the go, a desktop workstation will be a better choice. The PC is cheaper and has more power.

A basic MacBook Air M1 or another laptop might be sufficient for simple mobile activities.

In the end, it depends on what you want to do and whether mobility is important to you. If the performance of your MacBook is enough for you, you should keep it. You already have it. Here you also have your preferred MacOS.



I like it. You could also just say "It depends". But this is good too.