Why can't I play videos?

- in Dell

I recently bought a new laptop (Dell XPS15 9575). In the beginning everything worked great.

At some point he could no longer play videos. I then completely reset Windows to factory settings. On the next start there were several problems to get Windows up and running again because it displayed any error messages while setting the language, whether that is related to the current problem, no idea.

After several attempts to get Windows up and running again, I can also write this text from my laptop. However, as soon as any page plays an advertising video or I want to start a YT video, the page hangs and has to be reloaded. Occasionally, the first few frames of a video run normally. But really only the first few.

The problem also affects sound reproduction. If I start the laptop I can e.g. Use Spotify. But as soon as any program or e.g. A website tries to play a video, Spotify can no longer play music and only after a complete restart does the sound start again.


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Is also what I plan if there's no solution here. I personally would guess an error in the graphics card (s). But unfortunately I'm not an IT expert either.

Dell offers various device tests on its website, so I only ran one yesterday for the graphics cards. Everything is supposed to work. It may not be due to the browser, e.g. Netflix in the app also doesn't work.

But before I didn't have a laptop to work with for a few days, I thought I'd just ask.

Even if it wasn't the hoped-for answer, thanks anyway.