Change Fortnite name?


I changed my gamertag on the xbox.

The new name is already in my epic account in relation to fortnite.

However, the name certainly does not change when I play on the xbox.

However, when I play Fortnite on my cell phone or laptop, I have the new name.

Only when I play on the xbox is the old one.

Epic himself said that they can't help me because it has already been changed correctly in the epic account…

How do I get it to be displayed correctly when I play on xbox?

I also successfully changed Gamertag via the Microsoft account…


Fortnite does not offer such a function because it is inferior to other games.


Well, when I log in using my cell phone or laptop, I already have the new name


It is normal. The epic account has nothing to do with the Xbox account, for example if you gamble with a cell phone or pc, the epic name is displayed because there's no other platform where you have a name internally (psn, Xbox, Switch) and if you are on yours ps4 zockst or Xbox Word just shows the name of your psn or Xbox account


Fortnite is simply… Different. It is incomprehensible. That is the reason why I uninstalled it immediately after playing the first round.


That's exactly what I said


Thank you


Well, that's not entirely true. Fortnite has 250 million registered users (as of 2019). In addition, 12.3 million players were online at the same time on Travis Scott's Astronomical. This is a new record. I don't know if so many "inferior" games have achieved that.


Fortnite is really something special


Eg Mc Donalds also has "cheap" "inferior" food (few nutrients etc. Or simply unhealthy). Still, so many people go there ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯


Perfect example, without joke