Word file disappeared without a trace?


I wrote my book and also made two backup files to which I regularly transferred it. It was also always synchronized with my laptop. Now I've forgotten from 56 pages to transfer it to the backup copies and continued to write up to 280 pages. I also had that open a couple of times on my laptop. The only problem is that the file I wrote my book on has disappeared. So there's a file with the name and the backup copies, but all are only up to page 56. I've tried everything possible, but I just can't find the rest of the text. I hadn't opened it for a week in which I stupidly deleted the recycle bin due to storage problems on my cell phone, not knowing that something was wrong with the file. When I wanted to open it, there was no space and I'm desperate. Please help me, it was almost a quarter of a year of daily work 🥶😭😭😭


Then you've only saved these 56 pages, the rest is gone

you save in between or after writing

whether a recovery program finds what


Thank you very much, but unfortunately this statement did not help me. I'm fifteen and I know it was stupid to forget to save it on the backup copies without you telling me


The rest is gone

what do you not understand about it


There are still such special restoration systems, right? Besides, why should a file just disappear like that, that doesn't make any sense!


Whether a recovery program finds what

is also above, e.g. Recuva

must try this; obs what will… I don't think so


And all other files are there unchanged. One that I opened the last time my book was opened is still there. Only one file is gone




Where can you find such a program?


For years i have been working professionally 8 hours a day with excel, word and powerpoint…

there have been so many "incidents" with Office that don't make sense.

After that you can't go.