How can I watch the same movie on two laptops at the same time?


I would like to pair my notebook with my wife's so that we can watch the same movie from DVD at the same time. Both notebooks have an internal DVD drive. However, only one has HDMI, the other only USB ports.


Sounds strange - why do not you couple a laptop with the TV and you then look at it together?


Quite simply: After a stressful working day, we often go to bed early and watch films on our laptop. We thought it would be nice if we could watch this movie together. There's no TV in the bedroom and nobody should go there either.


Oh soo.

Install WinVNC (Server) on one PC, WinVNC (Client) on the other and connect to the server with the client.

The client then "sees" the desktop of the server PC, then start video, full-frame and both see the same.