Movie night date on the laptop?


Is it funny when you invite your date to the movie night and then watch a movie on your laptop because you don't have a TV? If so, what would be the alternatives?


Movie theater?

In fact, I couldn't do anything with such film dates. How do you want to get to know each other by staring at the "telly" all the time?

Why not cook something together?


If you make yourself comfortable with lots of pillows and tasty snacks, the laptop would not bother me personally, but at the moment I find drive-in cinemas also nh cool and not quickly forgotten vlt even unique memories

Wouldn't that be a cool thing?


Nope why xD is cute. Vtl cuddling on the bed with your laptop on your lap? Sounds cute. If you want to top that, take the laptop with iwo. Pack the blankets and pillows and cuddle up wherever you want and then movienight ☺️


Depends on. If you want to get to know her, I would do something different. As Christian has already said, cooking, playing board games, eating out, or if you have already said "film date", you can also do it on your laptop. It is also pleasant when you lie down on the couch or in bed.


It is not the first date, we have met a few times and thought a movie night would be nice to get closer


Yes, if it is, the laptop is even better, because you can / have to sit very close together.

Have fun, you two!


Thank you!


Also, if it bothers you, etc. Because you can't afford your own TV, this is not the right one. It's about you, not about the things you own ☺️