How anonymous is mcdonald's Wi-Fi?


Hello how anonymous am I when I use an open Wi-Fi, like at mcdonalds and co

can find out who that was when someone used an open Wi-Fi.

Leaves traces of the laptop


Neither CP downloaded hm? XD.

They will probably save your device number. And usually recognize when you log in again that it was you.


Your activities could even be tracked, everyone who is on the same Wi-Fi can get your data, banking or other things that you would rather keep to yourself should not be done via public Wi-Fi.

Your MAC address can also be traced back to you




Oh oh. You got caught when you did something bad. RIP


It is not anonymous since the connection to the router is unencrypted.

You could, for example, connect as an MITM between you and the router, so that data can be recorded unencrypted and you won't notice anything.