Good IT security board to learn to make startup notebook as safe and anonymous as possible?


I'm a budding IT specialist and wanted to ask if you can give me tips on good IT security boards. My initial learning project is to get my notebook as secure and anonymous as possible.

In which forum could one try for the beginning to get involved in order to learn as much as possible? Where are few trolls and many geeks who would like to help?

I also like to take tips for contact points outside of the Clearweb and of course English speaking.

I'm not a total beginner, I have been working for a long time with IT, but in the field of security I'm still very fresh.


In which forum could one try for the beginning to get involved in order to learn as much as possible? Where are few trolls and many geeks who would like to help?

I also like to take tips for contact points outside of the Clearweb and of course English speaking.

Well, since the forums have to try it yourself - there are too many.

Facebook also has some good groups and many that you can forget completely.

Most likely in the Darknet - the biggest "experts" are already at the hurdle to get in there and find their way… Since in most forums, the average skill level is much higher!

There are also IRC chats for various Linux distros. There are also in the Offtoppic Channels some people have the idea. In general, Linux itself would be a good start if you ask me.

Apart from typical hacking forums, there are also many others who deal with administration of servers - because you often get better advice from people who have a clue and because get lost even very few would-be hackers because they do not have these forums in view.

I'm not a total beginner, I have been working for a long time with IT, but in the field of security I'm still very fresh.

Turn it around - try to understand first how attacks and data leaks are exploited then you will also see exactly what you need to protect yourself or what the most acute threats are.

Something I like doing is offering a honeypot. There are ready-made distros that you only have to set up in a VPC or just have to start and you can already see how attacks are made from outside.

Then work on common data collection tools such as Google Analytics, Piwik, etc. And see what data is collected to track the user and analyze where they come from or how they are read.

Then you can use appropriate extensions that provide these tools block or random garbage.

With TOR, VPNs, etc. Should you be shy to be familiar - they hide the IP ever sufficiently good in many cases. But also research here the possible vulnerabilities and dangers - of statements like "we do not log" so many hackers can sing a song - keyword: LulzSec

Think about it!


Thanks for the detailed answer! Sounds very useful!


Could be more accurate but the "homework" should do it yourself then you learn more… If necessary, ask again concrete problems directly after.


Seriously asked question: why do you want to learn something about a forum? Forums are good for exchanging views, online social contacts and questions / answers, but less suitable for teaching.

I think books (if current), courses, individual lessons or "make own experiences" more useful ;-)