Try C # with a weak notebook?


Actually my plan was to install a minimal set of Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition to learn the C # syntax and write simple little programs. Possibly to code something comparable like a minimal GUI, the scope of which is roughly equivalent to Python Tkinter or Java AWT. I would like to do without graphical programming (like Qt).

Now I read that you need at least 1.8 GHz for Visual Studio, but only have 1.6 GHz (i5-4200U). How do I avoid having to buy a new computer - in lockdown?


Does it have to be C #?

Does it really have to be Visual Studio?


Yes, he could do it. And BTW… Why do you need VS? It would go from Visual Studio Code. Firstly, it is not so bloated and secondly, it is better suited for beginners


It has to be C #, but also a different development environment, if there's one, bring it on!


Sounds good, where can you download it (for free?)?


Visual Studio Code is completely free and can be downloaded from Microsoft. Just google questions 😋😊👍


As a beginner in programming, C # is actually a good choice. Visual Basic would be better.


Visual Basic is never a good choice.


Personally, I would also advise you to use Visual Studio Code. It is a bit more strenuous to put it on, but as far as I know it is not as clumsy as the original.


Instead of Visual Studio, you can also use MonoDevelop. This is also a complete C # development environment. The only difference is that MonoDevelop is completely open source. It is also 100% compatible with .NET. An add-in manager is also integrated. This allows the range of functions to be increased with extensions (e.g. GUI toolkits, etc.)

A compiler is also included. This can be used to create EXE files on Windows and .app files on Mac. Under Linux you can then create program packages with the on-board tools depending on the distro RPM or DEM.

MonoDevelop is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. It runs smoothly even on an old, first-generation i3. Here is the download:

MonoDevelop is multilingual.


As a professional, of course not 😅😅 I have with VB. NET learned to program and was able to easily switch to C # and all related languages. VB is the easiest language to start with 👍😊


In any case. VS itself also has many many tools that you don't need as a beginner. Even as a professional, you never need everything. VS Code is a slimmed-down variant. You can even use it as an alternative to the text editor. With VS Code you can display and validate all possible languages almost instantly


Now I read that you need at least 1.8 GHz for Visual Studio, but only have 1.6 GHz (i5-4200U).

Visual Studio is not a computer game, which becomes unplayable if the CPU is too slow. So it will also work with 1.6 GHZ. In addition, the clock frequency only says something about the speed of the CPU to a limited extent.

In addition, it depends on what you do. If you only work on small game projects, it doesn't really matter.

If you are working on a project with several 100,000 lines of code, slow compiling CPUs are annoying and cost time.