GPU assignment with laptop does not work?


I wanted to use the intel GPU on my laptop for a few games because some games that I have can only manage without problems if I set the Intel GPU in the nvidia control panel and start the game it does not work, it is ignored in some games where one ingame option for gpu selection is possible with some external games like Garrys mod also but with all other games the option is ignored Drivers are all the latest from the manufacturer reinstallation is not already tried just like reinstalling the game


You wrote a sentence of 94 words with no punctuation mark. This is a record here for this year!

But punctuation marks serve to structure a sentence. They serve to give meaning to the sentence structure. Your text is hardly understandable without it. I'm not doing that to myself.


I can't punctuate then I can't use it either


Too bad.

But can you learn:

Just take it brave!


What punctuation marks look like, I just don't know the meaning, that's really where it is with me