14 inch laptop for studying?


I'm currently in the first semester of my computer science studies and slowly need a laptop.

I thought of 14 inches. It would be important to me that it is not too heavy (think about 1.3-1.4kg?), Is stable and robust, has keyboard backlighting, the battery life is as long as possible. Or, even better, charge with USB C.

I would probably not do anything complex with it, because you don't program anything so complex when studying computer science.

Youtube, read ebooks, surf the internet with several tabs, program in Eclipse, etc. Is done with it.

So should have some power.

In terms of price, it would be possible to spend up to 1000 euro, but the question is whether this is necessary. At Campuspoint there's still a student discount (just like notebook cheaper etc).

Youtube, read ebooks, surf the internet with several tabs, program in Eclipse, etc. Is done with it.

So should have some power.

In terms of price, it would be possible to spend up to 1000 euro, but the question is whether this is necessary. At Campuspoint there's still a student discount (just like notebook cheaper etc).

Does anyone have an idea which notebook would be ideal for me?


Every thing is enough for 500 euro. SSD, 8, if possible rather 16GB, a reasonably new processor and that's it more or less. Just choose something good at notebookbilliger and buy it.


The first Ryzen 4000 (U) notebooks are just coming onto the market, so it's worth taking a look


Hello which laptop do you want to buy you can send a link