Control the Bluetooth lamp from your laptop?


I have a lamp that can be controlled from a mobile phone using an app via Bluetooth.

However, I would like to control them from my laptop as desired (→ e.g. Sync to music - but first I just want to be able to control them).

An Android emulator was unfortunately not possible, because the app simply says "No lamp was found". Apparently the Bluetooth of the emulators doesn't work with the laptop Bluetooth.

I have already extracted the APK of the app and can open all classes etc. - but do not know what to do with it, where to find the Bluetooth stuff and how to rewrite it.

Do you know how I can control such a Bluetooth lamp from a PC? Are there any instructions? And yes, my laptop has working Bluetooth.

Is this lamp here:


Have a look at the Microsoft Store for the app, if it doesn't exist then see if the manufacturer also has a desktop app.


I've already. There's no such thing.