Someone thought
This is what a 1050 looks like! Do they think you can fit in a laptop?
Yes, but in a laptop version
The graphics cards can't be changed in laptops.
If graphics cards are in a laptop, then they look different or are specially manufactured.
This is an example image of an Rtx 2060, which is very large, but it is also available in laptops.
In terms of form factor, a graphics card looks different in a laptop, of course.
It is important that the chip is the same that you want to have. So the performance of the chip should be the same.
However, the components around it are different. There are versions where the memory is shared and there are some that simply have less memory on the graphics card than the graphics card that you know from the tower PC.
You just have to check the values if you want to buy a laptop with this graphics card.